Magical Chocolate – Cacao Benefits Cacao Beans | Cacao Pods | Cacao Bliss Fri, 01 Dec 2023 21:41:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magical Chocolate – Cacao Benefits 32 32 205197625 Children Harvesting Cocoa for Major Corporations in Ghana: A Deepening Crisis Fri, 01 Dec 2023 21:39:50 +0000 Source: CBS News. (n.d.). Children Harvesting Cocoa Used by Major Corporations in Ghana. Child labor continues to plague the cocoa industry in Ghana, with major corporations such as Mars implicated in the use of cocoa harvested by children as young as 5 years old. A recent investigation by CBS News has shed light on the […]

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Source: CBS News. (n.d.). Children Harvesting Cocoa Used by Major Corporations in Ghana.

Child labor continues to plague the cocoa industry in Ghana, with major corporations such as Mars implicated in the use of cocoa harvested by children as young as 5 years old.

A recent investigation by CBS News has shed light on the grim reality faced by these children and the challenges they encounter in accessing education.

Mars, one of the leading chocolate manufacturers, has pledged to eliminate child labor from its supply chain by 2025. The company claims to have a monitoring system in place to ensure children are not working on cocoa plantations and are attending school instead. However, CBS News obtained beneficiary lists that revealed children still toiling in the fields, contradicting Mars’ claims.

Education opportunities are scarce for children like 15-year-old Munira, who has been working in cocoa fields since the age of 5. Due to the distance and cost, education becomes a luxury for Munira and her family. Despite receiving school supplies from Mars, no one verifies if she is actually attending school. Munira’s brother, Gafalo, also wishes to join his peers in the classroom but is currently engaged in cocoa harvesting.

The monitoring systems employed by Mars are proving to be inaccurate.

Field supervisors contracted by the company admit that beneficiary lists often contain fabricated or unverified information due to pressure to produce names quickly.

CBS News interviewed children whose names appeared on the lists, and none of them were attending school. Some names were even outright fabrications. At one school, only a third of registered students actually attend classes as they are also involved in cocoa harvesting.

Concerns extend beyond the labor practices in the fields. CBS News visited a cocoa warehouse in Ghana that supplies Mars and found that the employees could not guarantee that all cocoa handled there was produced without child labor.

Human rights lawyer Terry Collingsworth has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against Mars after collecting statements from Ghanaian children working for Mars’ suppliers.

CBS News also witnessed a child almost losing his fingers to a machete blade while harvesting cocoa.

Mars has expressed condemnation for the use of child labor and has implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct with the expectation that all suppliers will have a Child Labor and Remediation System (CLMRS) by 2025. However, only 65% of Mars’ cocoa supply in West Africa is currently covered by CLMRS implemented by their suppliers. The company acknowledges the need for further action to eradicate child labor and is committed to collaborating with the cocoa sector.

As consumers, it is crucial for us to be aware of the realities behind the products we enjoy. By supporting companies that prioritize ethical sourcing and actively work towards eradicating child labor, we can contribute to a more sustainable and just cocoa industry.

The post Children Harvesting Cocoa for Major Corporations in Ghana: A Deepening Crisis appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Top 10 Facts About Cacao You Need to Know Thu, 13 Jul 2023 17:10:13 +0000 If you’re a chocolate lover, you’re likely familiar with cacao, the ingredient that gives chocolate its rich and indulgent flavor. However, cacao is more than just a tasty ingredient – it’s also a fascinating and complex plant with a rich history and cultural significance.

The post Top 10 Facts About Cacao You Need to Know appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

If you’re a chocolate lover, you’re likely familiar with cacao, the ingredient that gives chocolate its rich and indulgent flavor. However, cacao is more than just a tasty ingredient – it’s also a fascinating and complex plant with a rich history and cultural significance.

Here are the top 10 facts about cacao that you need to know

  • Cacao is a fruit. While we often associate chocolate with candy bars and desserts, cacao is actually a fruit that grows on tropical trees. The cacao fruit looks like a melon and contains a sweet, white pulp that surrounds the cacao seeds. The fruit is quite delicate and can be eaten raw or cooked. The seeds are also edible, but they’re usually removed from the fruit and processed into chocolate.Cacao trees can grow up to 60 feet tall and have dark green leaves with white veins. They produce large clusters of yellow flowers that give way to small pods containing cacao beans.
  • Cacao has a rich history. Cacao has been cultivated for thousands of years by ancient civilizations in Mesoamerica, where it was used as a currency and valued for its medicinal properties. The Olmecs, Maya, Aztecs and Incas all used cacao beans in their diets. The ancient Mayans believed that eating chocolate was an integral part of life and would lead to immortality. Cacao beans were also used as currency and traded for goods and services. At the height of their civilization, the Aztecs developed advanced agricultural practices that allowed them to produce a steady supply of cacao. They built extensive irrigation systems, terraces and raised fields to cultivate these valuable crops.
  • Cacao is rich in antioxidants. Cacao is packed with antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage and reduce inflammation in the body. Antioxidants are thought to protect against heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease by reducing inflammation and preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Cacao also contains magnesium, which helps relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Magnesium has also been shown to reduce stress levels in people with anxiety or depression. Read our article about the amazing health benefits of cacao.
cacao butter benefits of cacao beans - 10 facts about cacao
  • Cacao can boost your mood. Cacao Cacao also contains flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that has been found to help prevent heart disease and cancer. Theobromine is another beneficial compound found in cacao; it’s thought to improve blood flow and act as an aphrodisiac. contains a compound called phenylethylamine, which can help stimulate the release of endorphins and boost your mood.
  • Cacao is high in magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral that many people don’t get enough of. Cacao is one of the best sources of magnesium, with just one ounce providing 64 milligrams of this essential mineral. Magnesium is important for many of your body’s functions, including lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease. It also helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve your mood. Cacao contains flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that has been found to help prevent heart disease and cancer. Theobromine is another beneficial compound found in cacao; it’s thought to improve blood flow and act as an aphrodisiac.

Great Value

Better Body

Less fat and fewer calories. Great tasting organic cacao power with simple ingredients – blend, bake or shake!

Latino Owned

Super Cocoa

Supercharged coffee alternative. Rich cocoa taste. Multiple uses. Gut friendly product — sugar free, low carb and vegan.

Great value

Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs, 8 oz. Bag, 76 Servings — Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-Free


Non-GMO, Kosher, vegan, gluten-free. 100% unroasted gently crushed cacao beans are USDA organic and Fairtrade certified!

The rest of the 10 facts about cacao

  • Cacao is a powerful superfood. In addition to being high in antioxidants and magnesium, cacao also contains other beneficial nutrients, including iron, fiber, and protein. Theobromine is a compound found in chocolate that may help improve blood flow. It’s also thought to act as an aphrodisiac and improve mood. Cacao contains flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that has been found to help prevent heart disease and cancer. Theobromine is another beneficial compound found in cacao; it’s thought to improve blood flow and act as an aphrodisiac.
  • Cacao is used in traditional medicine. In some cultures, cacao has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including coughs, fevers, and kidney problems. However, there’s currently no scientific evidence to support these claims. Cacao may boost blood flow and act as an aphrodisiac. Theobromine, a compound found in cacao, has been shown to improve blood flow and act as an aphrodisiac.
  • Cacao comes in many forms. While we often think of chocolate as the primary way to consume cacao, there are many other forms of this versatile ingredient, including cacao powder, cacao nibs, and cacao butter. Cacao powder is a fine, dark brown powder made from raw cacao beans. It’s often used to make chocolate or cocoa; it can also be added to baked goods and smoothies. Cacao nibs are the whole, roasted cacao beans that have been broken down into tiny pieces. They’re crunchy, somewhat bitter, and often slightly sweet.
  • Cacao production is under threat. Climate change, pests, and disease are all threatening cacao production around the world. By consuming sustainably-produced chocolate and supporting farmers, we can help protect this important crop. To make chocolate, the cacao beans are broken down into their basic components: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and nibs. The nibs are roasted to bring out their flavours and then ground into a paste to make chocolate liquor. From here, more ingredients like sugar and vanilla are added before it’s shaped into bars or other forms of chocolate.
  • Cacao is delicious! Of course, one of the best things about cacao is its delicious flavor. Whether you’re enjoying a chocolate bar, sipping on a hot cocoa, or sprinkling cacao nibs on your yogurt, there are so many ways to enjoy this versatile and fascinating ingredient. But cacao is more than just a tasty treat. It’s also packed with antioxidants and other nutrients that are good for your body. Cacao contains high levels of flavonoids, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer by preventing inflammation in the blood vessels.

Now that you know these top 10 facts about cacao, you can enjoy your chocolate indulgences with a deeper appreciation for the history, science, and culture behind this fascinating ingredient.

Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs, 8 oz. Bag, 76 Servings — Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-Free

Great for Keto and Paleo Diets

Enjoy their deep, unsweetened chocolate taste and natural crunch in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, trail mix and your favorite baked goods.

  • 100% unroasted, gently crushed cacao beans
  • USDA organic
  • Fairtrade certified
  • Non-GMO, Kosher, vegan, gluten-free

The post Top 10 Facts About Cacao You Need to Know appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

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Cacao Therapy Thu, 06 Jul 2023 17:26:17 +0000 Cacao therapy is a form of traditional medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is considered to be one of the oldest medical practices in existence, and it has its roots in Mesoamerica, but it is also popular in other parts of Africa and South America. The practice involves using cacao beans as a variety of different treatments for various ailments.

The post Cacao Therapy appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Cacao therapy is a form of traditional medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is considered to be one of the oldest medical practices in existence, and it has its roots in Mesoamerica, but it is also popular in other parts of Africa and South America.

The practice involves using cacao beans as a variety of different treatments for various ailments.

Cacao therapy dates back to at least 2000 BC, when it was first discovered by Mesoamerican peoples. Since then, it has spread throughout the world and been integrated into many different cultures around the globe. Today, many people still use cacao beans and products made from them for medicinal purposes.

Cacao therapy is a type of alternative medicine that uses cacao beans, in their raw form or as a beverage, as a healing method.

The most common way to use cacao is by eating it raw or drinking hot chocolate made from ground cacao beans mixed with water or milk (and sometimes sugar). Some people also grind up raw cacao beans into a powder or paste and apply them directly to their skin as an antibacterial treatment for cuts or wounds; others use it topically as an anti-fungal treatment on fungal infections like athlete’s foot or ringworm.

The Science Behind Cacao Therapy

Cacao contains over 300 chemical compounds, many of which have been isolated and studied in detail. The most well-researched chemicals are theobromine, caffeine, phenylethylamine (PEA), and epicatechin (EC). (Sources: webmd and NIH)

These compounds have been found to have a wide range of effects on the body, including increasing dopamine levels in the brain and boosting mood.

Source: Be Good Organics

Some research has also shown that cacao can help increase blood flow to the brain, which may improve memory and alertness. Other research has found that cacao contains antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals in the body.

These antioxidants are believed to be responsible for the potential health benefits of chocolate such as reducing inflammation and improving cardiovascular health.

There are many components that make up cacao, but two of them are most important: caffeine and magnesium.

  • Caffeine is a stimulant that increases blood flow and heart rate, while also aiding in alertness and focus.
  • Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps regulate various bodily processes, including muscle contraction and relaxation.

When combined with these two ingredients, they can be quite beneficial to those who experience anxiety or depression due to stress or lack of sleep.

It’s worth noting that normal cocoa powder and chocolate have been chemically processed and roasted, which destroys a large amount of the antioxidants and flavanols. A recent study suggested that between 60% and 90% of the original antioxidants in cacao are lost through common “Dutch processing”. Therefore, it’s recommended to consume raw organic cacao to get the most health benefits.

Health Benefits of Cacao Therapy

Cacao therapy is a treatment that uses cacao beans and their extracts to help reduce stress, improve mood and emotional well-being, enhance cognitive function, and regulate cardiovascular health and blood pressure.

Stress reduction and relaxation

Research has shown that cacao beans contain high amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is a known stimulant that can be used to reduce stress levels. It does this by stimulating the central nervous system. The increased activity in the brain results in positive changes in mood. Cacao therapy can also be used as a natural alternative to prescription medications such as Valium or Xanax which are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders.

Improved mood and emotional well-being

Theobromine is another active ingredient found in cacao beans which may contribute to improved moods. Theobromine has been shown to increase serotonin production while blocking reuptake of dopamine which can result in feelings of calmness. Cacao therapy has been found to lower cortisol levels by up to 64%. Cortisol is a hormone released during times of stress which can negatively impact moods by increasing feelings of anger or frustration.

Cacao can also help to improve sleep quality by lowering the amount of time it takes to fall asleep while increasing total sleep time. It has been shown to increase serotonin levels which may contribute to improved mood and emotional well-being.

Improved cardiovascular health and blood pressure regulation

Cacao contains magnesium and potassium, which are both effective at lowering blood pressure by relaxing the walls of your veins and arteries. This can help reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Cacao also contains antioxidants that protect your cells from free radicals, which are dangerous molecules that can damage DNA causing mutations that lead to cancer cells. Some studies have found that cacao has a positive effect on markers of cardiovascular health such as LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

Cacao Therapy Techniques and Practices

Cacao ceremonies and rituals

Cacao ceremonies are an important part of the cacao therapy process. These ceremonies can be used to celebrate the harvest, to honor loved ones who have passed, or to commemorate any event that is significant in your life. It’s important to note that these ceremonies should be held in a sacred space—and they are not intended as a place where people go to hang out or eat snacks.

Cacao meditation

Practicing meditation with cacao is another key component of cacao therapy. Cacao can help you focus on your breathing by slowing down your heart rate, which will help you clear your mind and focus on the present moment. You’ll also find that meditating with cacao helps you feel more relaxed and helps relieve stress.

Incorporating cacao into self-care routines

If you struggle with anxiety or depression, incorporating cacao into your self-care routine can be very helpful for keeping your mood stable throughout the day. You can try eating some chocolate at breakfast or drinking a cup of hot chocolate at night before bedtime!es

Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs, 8 oz. Bag, 76 Servings — Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-Free

Great for Keto and Paleo Diets

Enjoy their deep, unsweetened chocolate taste and natural crunch in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, trail mix and your favorite baked goods.

  • 100% unroasted, gently crushed cacao beans
  • USDA organic
  • Fairtrade certified
  • Non-GMO, Kosher, vegan, gluten-free

Exploring the Different Cacao Products for Therapy

The cacao plant is a wonderful thing. It’s full of antioxidants and nutrients, and its products can be used for so many things!

We’re going to take a look at three different kinds of cacao products that you can use for therapeutic purposes: raw cacao powder, cacao nibs, and cacao butter.

Raw Cacao Powder and Its Uses

Raw cacao powder is made from unroasted cocoa beans. It contains the highest amount of antioxidants out of any other type of chocolate. You can use it as an ingredient in smoothies or desserts, or you can just eat it by itself!

Cacao Nibs and Their Versatility

Although they’re called “nibs,” they don’t actually contain any chocolate nibs—instead they are dried pieces of the fruit from which chocolate comes from (the pod). They have a crunchy texture that makes them great for snacking on, but you can also grind them up into flour or use them as an ingredient in recipes like cookies or brownies!

Cacao Butter and Its Application in Skincare

Cacao butter is extracted from cocoa beans using a process called “cocoa butter extraction,” which leaves behind all the cocoa solids and creates a pure, creamy fat that has many uses in skincare. Cacao butter is an antioxidant-rich compound that contains high levels of vitamin E and magnesium, which can help to firm up skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. It’s also known for its ability to moisturize skin without making it feel oily or greasy—in fact, some people even use it as a natural alternative to traditional moisturizers!

cacao therapy

How to Choose and Source High-Quality Cacao

Every time you drink a cup of cacao, you’re consuming one of the most powerful superfoods on the planet. But in order to get all the benefits of this amazing plant, you need to choose high-quality cacao that has been ethically sourced and processed. Here are some tips for choosing the best cacao!

1. Organic and fair-trade cacao options: If possible, choose organic or fair-trade cacao products. You’ll know that the farmers who grew your cacao have been treated fairly and paid a fair price for their work. You’ll also be supporting programs that help improve living conditions in developing countries where cacao is grown.

2. Understanding cacao labels and certifications: When looking at labels on chocolate bars or other products containing cacao, there are two important things to keep in mind: 1) what percentage of total ingredients come from this specific type of chocolate; 2) whether or not there are any certifications associated with those ingredients (such as Fair Trade).

A product that has 100% cocoa solids is the most pure form of chocolate. It does not contain any oils or fats; rather it is simply ground cacao beans that have been pressed to remove the cocoa butter (the fat component).

When choosing cacao products that have been processed into chocolate or other foods that contain cacao, check the labels carefully: some products may be labeled as “raw” or “organic,” but may still contain additives or other ingredients that aren’t good for your health

Precautions and Considerations

Potential side effects and allergies

Cacao is a relatively mild stimulant and can cause some mild side effects in some people. Some users experience a brief period of nausea, headaches, or dizziness when consuming cacao for the first time. These symptoms usually fade with continued use.

Cacao does not have any known adverse interactions with other medications or supplements, but always check with your doctor before combining it with anything else.

Appropriate dosages and moderation

The recommended dosage of cacao to take depends on your desired effects and personal sensitivity. For most people, one to two tablespoons of raw cacao powder per day is enough to experience its beneficial properties without causing any side effects or adverse reactions.

However, if you notice any symptoms like nausea or headaches after consuming cacao, try decreasing your intake until they subside.

Cocoa Nootropic Hot Chocolate

Coffee Alternative Cocoa Nootropic Hot Chocolate,
Brain Supplements for Memory and Focus, Brewed Cacao Mushroom Substitute, Caffeine, Adaptogens: Dairy Free + Sugar Free + Keto + Vegan, Instant Superfood Powder Brew by Super Cocoa

Supercharged Coffee Alternative

An incredible cocoa flavored, advanced performance coffee substitute that doesn’t taste like mud or water. Mixes instantly with water, milk, or your favorite non-dairy beverage – no need to bru or grind to enjoy.

  • Smooth Energy and Focus
  • Rich Cocoa Taste
  • Gut Friendly
  • Sharpen Mental Clarity

Personal Experiences and Testimonials

Cacao Therapy has been used for centuries to help people overcome a wide variety of health issues.

This is not a new phenomenon. Cacao therapy has been used to treat a variety of ailments for thousands of years, and many people have benefited from it. Often, these individuals were just looking for an alternative treatment that was more effective than traditional methods.

Here are some testimonials from people who have tried cacao therapy:

“I had always struggled with my weight. I tried dieting and exercise, but nothing seemed to work. Then I tried cacao therapy and it changed my life! It helped me lose 15 pounds in just three weeks!”
Megan B.

“I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was only 40 years old. I wasn’t sure what to do next, so my doctor recommended that I try cacao therapy as an alternative treatment method.”
Alyson K.

“After taking cacao therapy for one year, my blood pressure went down from 120/80 to 110/70!”
Mike J.

What is Cacao Therapy?

Cacao Therapy is a brand of dark chocolate products that are made with high-quality ingredients and infused with various flavors like almond butter and peanut butter. These treats are known for their rich and indulgent taste.

What are the benefits of Cacao Therapy?

Cacao Therapy products offer a range of benefits. Dark chocolate, which is the main ingredient in Cacao Therapy items, is rich in antioxidants and may help improve heart health, boost cognitive function, and elevate mood. Additionally, the nut butter cups provide a source of protein and healthy fats.

Are Cacao Therapy products vegan?

While some Cacao Therapy products are vegan, not all of them are. Some varieties, such as the almond butter cups and peanut butter cups, contain dairy. However, Cacao Therapy does offer vegan options, like their dark chocolate bars.

Are there any allergens in Cacao Therapy products?

Cacao Therapy products may contain allergens like almonds and peanuts. It is important to carefully read the ingredient list and allergen information provided on the packaging to avoid any potential allergic reactions.

Final Thoughts: Cacao Therapy

Cacao therapy is a beautiful and ancient way to connect with the earth, your body, and the universe.

Hopefully you can see that cacao therapy offers many benefits—from physical and mental health to spiritual enlightenment. The potential of cacao therapy is huge and it can only be realized when you explore it responsibly.

The most important thing is to remember that cacao is a drug. It has powerful effects on your body and mind, so you should be mindful of how much you consume at once and how often you consume it. While cacao is generally considered safe for most people in moderation, too much of anything can be bad for you—especially when you’re trying to be healthy!

Cacao can also interact with other foods, medications, supplements, or herbs that you might be using.

If you’re taking any kind of medication or supplement (including birth control), talk to your doctor before starting a cacao regimen. And if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding? Same deal—talk to your doctor before starting a cacao regimen!

Finally, remember that while cacao may have positive effects on mental health disorders like depression or anxiety, it might not work for everyone with these conditions.

Great Value

Better Body

Less fat and fewer calories. Great tasting organic cacao power with simple ingredients – blend, bake or shake!

Latino Owned

Super Cocoa

Supercharged coffee alternative. Rich cocoa taste. Multiple uses. Gut friendly product — sugar free, low carb and vegan.

Great value

Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs, 8 oz. Bag, 76 Servings — Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-Free


Non-GMO, Kosher, vegan, gluten-free. 100% unroasted gently crushed cacao beans are USDA organic and Fairtrade certified!

The post Cacao Therapy appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

]]> 1 455
Cacao Ceremony Thu, 22 Jun 2023 02:34:04 +0000 Have you ever heard of the theory that cacao was a gift from the gods, given to humans as a way to connect with their spiritual selves? Whether or not you believe this theory, there is no denying the powerful and transformative effects that cacao can have on our minds and bodies. The ancient practice […]

The post Cacao Ceremony appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Have you ever heard of the theory that cacao was a gift from the gods, given to humans as a way to connect with their spiritual selves? Whether or not you believe this theory, there is no denying the powerful and transformative effects that cacao can have on our minds and bodies.

The ancient practice of the cacao ceremony has been used for centuries as a way to honor this sacred plant and tap into its spiritual and medicinal benefits.

As you open yourself up to the possibility of experiencing a cacao ceremony, imagine letting go of all your worries and fears. Imagine feeling a deep connection with your heart and inner self.

This is what the cacao ceremony is all about – creating space for healing, growth, and transformation in your life. So if you’re ready to embark on a journey towards greater self-awareness, read on to learn more about this beautiful ritual.

Key Takeaways

  • Cacao ceremony is an ancient practice to tap into spiritual and medicinal benefits of cacao, deeply ingrained in various cultures across Latin America.
  • Consumption of cacao during the ceremony can open the heart chakra, promote emotional awareness, compassion, and love, and can be used as a mindfulness practice to release emotional blockages and achieve spiritual awakening.
  • Preparation involves high-quality, ethically sourced cacao, ceremonial attire, and ceremonial music and offerings to Mother Earth play important roles.
  • Cacao ceremony is a powerful tool for transformation and connection with oneself, incorporating cacao into daily routines can bring mindfulness and intentionality into life, and it serves as a way to honor ancestral wisdom and connect with one’s innermost self through meditation or prayer.

Origins and History of the Cacao Ceremony

As we sip on our warm, frothy cacao, it’s fascinating to consider that the origins of this sacred ceremony can be traced back thousands of years.

The cultural significance and ceremonial practices surrounding the consumption of cacao have been a part of indigenous traditions in Central and South America for centuries. From the Olmecs to the Aztecs, spiritual symbolism has always played a vital role in the preparation and consumption of cacao.

The historical evolution of the cacao ceremony is rooted in ancient Mesoamerican cultures where it was used as a medicine for both physical and spiritual ailments. The Mayans believed that cacao was a gift from their gods and used it as an offering during rituals honoring their deities.

As civilization progressed, so did the use of cacao; it became more accessible to common people and eventually spread throughout other parts of South America.

Today, the practice of holding a cacao ceremony remains deeply ingrained in various cultures across Latin America. The ceremony serves as a way to honor ancestral wisdom while also connecting with one’s innermost self through meditation or prayer.

It is a beautiful reminder that no matter how far we may stray from our roots, there will always be something sacred within us waiting to be awakened by such time-honored traditions.

Common Elements of a Cacao Ceremony

  • Sit in a circle and open up the circle by going around and saying your name out loud, sharing an intention or a word you’re calling in.
  • Pour the cacao and pass it around the circle.
  • Honor and bless the cacao.
  • Set an intention for the ceremony.
  • Drink the cacao.
  • Breathwork, meditation, sound journey, dance, music – from here, it’s up to the person leading the cacao ceremony and whatever tool they prefer to use to amplify and manifest the intentions created by the participants.

Sources: Breakfast Criminals and Bali Spirit Festival

A cacao ceremony is a gathering where ceremonial cacao is consumed in a sacred space to help connect with the heart and be a gentle guide through transformational consciousness shifts.

The ceremony usually involves a communal gathering with a sacred circle, music, and of course, ceremonial cacao. Depending on the intention of the ceremony, it can be a place to get clarity, set intentions, and do healing work and inner-processing. Cacao ceremonies are also a wonderful place to connect with people in a safe, open-hearted environment.

Cacao ceremonies are a form of meditation and self-reflection, and the benefits of this type of practice can include lower blood pressure, increased creativity, and inspiration. They can also offer an opportunity for deep healing, introspection, goal setting, self-love, and transformation.

cacao ceremony

Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial cacao is made from heirloom strains of cacao (the raw version of chocolate) and is often used as part of a spiritual practice or during a healing experience. It’s also been shown to increase blood flow and heart rate, which can be helpful for meditation or yoga practices.

Ceremonial cacao is a type of cacao bean that’s higher in nutrition and lower in caffeine than regular cacao. It’s also been shown to support heart health, improve blood flow and circulation, and reduce inflammation in the body.

If you want to try a ceremonial cacao ceremony at home, here are some things you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of cacao powder
  • A cup of water (not boiling)
  • A small piece of wood (like a twig) or other heat source
  • A small bowl
  • A spoon (optional)

The cacao ceremony recipe is simple:

  • Mix the cacao powder with water in a small bowl.
  • Then place it over the heat source until it begins to bubble and steam, stirring occasionally to ensure it doesn’t burn.
  • Once the mixture has thickened into a paste, remove from heat and allow to cool.
  • You can even add things like cinnamon or vanilla extract for extra flavor!

The Spiritual and Medicinal Benefits of Cacao

The consumption of this ancient drink has been linked to various spiritual and medicinal benefits, including increased focus and a heightened sense of emotional awareness. Cacao is not just a delicious beverage, but it has also been considered a sacred plant for centuries. It is believed that cacao can open the heart chakra, allowing us to connect with our emotions on a deeper level and experience greater compassion and love.

Cacao ceremonies are often used as a mindfulness practice to help individuals release emotional blockages and achieve spiritual awakening.

During these ceremonies, participants consume cacao in a ritualistic manner while setting an intention for healing or emotional release. The combination of the healing properties in cacao and the intentional setting creates an environment where individuals can tap into their subconscious mind and gain insight into their deepest desires.

In addition to its spiritual benefits, cacao also offers medicinal benefits such as improved cardiovascular health and reduced inflammation. It contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants, protecting the body from damage caused by free radicals. By incorporating cacao into your daily routine, you can improve your overall well-being while experiencing the joy of this ancient plant medicine.

So why not take some time to indulge in a cup of ceremonial cacao and allow yourself to experience its transformative power?

Preparing for a Cacao Ceremony

Get ready to transport yourself to a place of deep introspection and inner reflection with the preparation for an upcoming cacao ceremony. This isn’t just any ordinary event, but a sacred gathering that requires your full presence and intention.

To fully immerse yourself in this experience, here are some ways you can prepare:

  1. Cacao recipe – As the main ingredient for this ceremony, it’s important to use high-quality cacao that’s been ethically sourced. You can create your own ceremonial brew by mixing raw cacao powder with hot water or almond milk, and adding in spices like cinnamon or chili powder.
  2. Ceremonial attire – Dress in comfortable yet intentional clothing that allows you to move freely and connect with your body. You may also want to include items like crystals or jewelry that hold personal meaning for you.
  3. Setting intentions – Before arriving at the ceremony, take time to reflect on what you hope to gain from this experience. Set clear intentions for yourself so that you can fully engage with the ritual.
  4. Meditation techniques – During the ceremony, there will be moments of stillness and meditation where you can connect with your breath and inner self. Practice different techniques beforehand such as guided meditations or visualization exercises.

As you prepare for this sacred gathering, remember that it is a space of unity and community. The sharing circle is where everyone comes together to share their experiences and insights from the ceremony.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and open-hearted as you connect with others who share similar desires for freedom and growth in their lives. May this experience bring forth healing, transformation, and a deeper connection to your true self.

cacao ceremony

The Ritual of the Cacao Ceremony

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tradition of drinking warm, velvety chocolate as a way to connect with your inner self and experience emotional release like opening the floodgates.

The cacao ceremony is more than just a simple act of drinking hot chocolate. It’s a sacred ritual that has been practiced by indigenous cultures for centuries. Every aspect of this ritual holds deep meaning, from the ceremonial practices to the cultural significance.

As you prepare for the ceremony, take note of the ceremonial attire that’s often worn during these events. The clothing symbolizes an intention to honor and respect the cacao plant, which is believed to have spiritual properties that can help heal and transform individuals.

Ceremonial music also plays an important role in setting a sacred space where attendees can let go of their daily worries and surrender themselves to the present moment.

During the ceremony, it’s common practice to offer something back to Mother Earth as a token of gratitude for all she provides. These offerings could be anything from flowers or crystals to tobacco or cornmeal.

As you sip on your warm cup of cacao, allow yourself to fully embrace this ancient practice and feel its transformative power wash over you like a gentle wave. Letting go of all expectations and simply being present in this moment will unlock doors within you that were previously shut tight – doors leading towards freedom, healing, and growth.

Connecting with Your Heart and Inner Self

Feel the warmth in your chest as you connect with your heart and inner self, allowing yourself to be present in this transformative experience. Take a deep breath and focus on your mindful breathing. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity.

Let yourself sink into the moment as you begin to practice gratitude. Reflect on the blessings in your life, small or big, and allow yourself to feel thankful for them.

Now it’s time for some self-reflection. Ask yourself what’s holding you back from living your best life and becoming the person you want to be.

Visualize yourself releasing those limitations and embracing your full potential with positive affirmations. Repeat phrases like “I’m enough”, “I’m worthy”, “I’m capable”until they become ingrained in your mind.

As you continue to connect with yourself, use visualization techniques to imagine a bright future filled with happiness, love, and abundance. See yourself achieving your goals, surrounded by people who support and uplift you.

Let go of any negative thoughts or doubts that may arise during this process and trust that everything will come together as it should be. Remember that this cacao ceremony is a powerful tool for transformation – embrace its magic and let it guide you towards freedom within yourself.

Incorporating Cacao into Your Daily Life

Incorporating cacao into your daily routine can be a simple yet powerful way to bring mindfulness and intentionality into your life. Whether you decide to start your day with a warm cup of cacao or use it as an ingredient in your favorite recipes, this magical plant can help you connect with its cultural significance and rich history.

Not only is cacao delicious, but it also has many health benefits. Cacao is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, which can boost your immune system, improve heart health, and even enhance cognitive function.

When sourced ethically from small-scale farmers who prioritize sustainability and fair trade practices, consuming cacao can also contribute to positive change in the world.

Mindfulness practice is all about being present in the moment and cultivating a sense of gratitude for what we have. By incorporating cacao into our daily lives, we are reminded to slow down and appreciate the small things. Whether we’re enjoying a warm cup of homemade hot chocolate or savoring a piece of dark chocolate after dinner, taking time to mindfully indulge in this sacred plant can help us cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is ceremonial cacao?

A: Ceremonial cacao is a pure and high-quality form of cacao, which is used for spiritual and ceremonial purposes. It is often sourced from heirloom cacao trees and is considered to be a sacred plant medicine.

Q: What are the benefits of a cacao ceremony?

A: A cacao ceremony can have various benefits, such as opening the heart, increasing focus and concentration, providing clarity and insights, and helping to release negative emotions. It can also promote a sense of community and connection with others.

Q: What are the benefits of ceremonial cacao?

A: Ceremonial cacao is often considered to have more potent and beneficial properties than regular cacao. It can help to deepen meditation and other spiritual practices, provide a sense of grounding and connection with oneself, and support emotional healing.

Q: How can I do a cacao ceremony at home?

A: You can create a ceremony with cacao at home by setting a sacred space, brewing ceremonial grade cacao, setting an intention, and incorporating any rituals or practices that feel meaningful to you, such as meditation, prayer, or journaling.

Q: What is the recipe for a cacao ceremony?

A: The recipe for a cacao ceremony typically involves using ceremonial grade cacao, boiling water or nut milk, and adding optional ingredients such as sweetener, spices, or herbs. The ratios and preparation methods can vary depending on personal preferences and traditions.

Q: What is ceremonial grade cacao?

A: Ceremonial grade cacao is a high-quality, pure, and minimally processed form of cacao that is often sourced from small-scale farmers and indigenous communities. It is known for its rich flavor and potent medicinal and spiritual properties.

Q: What do I need to know about cacao?

A: Cacao is a plant that has been used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years for its physical, spiritual, and medicinal benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients, and has been associated with improving mood, focus, and energy levels.

Q: What can I expect when attending a cacao ceremony?

A: The experience of a cacao ceremony can vary depending on the facilitator, intention, and group energy. Generally, you can expect to drink cacao, participate in rituals or practices, and connect with oneself and others on a deeper level.

Q: What is the history of cacao?

A: Cacao has a rich history dating back to the Maya and Aztec cultures, who used it for spiritual, medicinal, and culinary purposes. It was also valued as a form of currency and considered to be a sacred plant that connects humans with the divine.

Q: What are the health benefits of cacao?

A: Cacao has various health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, boosting brain function, and promoting feelings of happiness and relaxation. It is also rich in flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Take a moment to reflect on the journey you’ve just experienced. Did you feel a deeper connection to yourself and others? Were you able to release any negative thoughts or emotions?

The power of cacao lies in its ability to open your heart and allow you to connect with your inner self.

But don’t let the magic stop here. Incorporate cacao into your daily life as a reminder of the love and light that resides within you.

As you sip it, let it be a symbol of self-care and spiritual nourishment. Allow it to guide you on your journey towards greater consciousness and awareness.

So, will you continue on this path of self-discovery with cacao by your side? Will you make space for ritualistic moments of introspection in your daily life?

The choice is yours, but know that the benefits are infinite. May the spirit of cacao guide and inspire you always.

The post Cacao Ceremony appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Cacao Chips Tue, 23 May 2023 10:40:40 +0000 Deliciously crunchy and full of flavor, cacao chips make the perfect snack! Try them now for a sweet, satisfying nutritional experience Cacao chips are a delicious and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed by everyone! They’re made from cacao beans, which are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. Cacao chips have become […]

The post Cacao Chips appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Deliciously crunchy and full of flavor, cacao chips make the perfect snack! Try them now for a sweet, satisfying nutritional experience

Cacao chips are a delicious and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed by everyone! They’re made from cacao beans, which are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats.

Cacao chips have become increasingly popular over the past few years as people discover their health benefits. Not only are they tasty but they can also help you get your daily dose of essential nutrients.

In this article, we’ll explore the various types of cacao chips available, their nutritional benefits, how to incorporate them into your diet and tips for buying and storing them. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to make sure that you get the most out of your cacao chip experience!

Types of Cacao Chips

You’ll love the variety of delicious cacao chip options available to you! From dark chocolate chips to white and milk chocolate chips, there is something for everyone.

If you’re looking for a healthier version, then try raw cacao chips. These chips are made from pure cacao powder without any added sugar or preservatives. They have an intense chocolaty flavor with a nutty undertone.

Another option is carob chips. These chips are made from the roasted pods of the carob tree and sweetened with honey or date syrup. Carob chips offer a milder flavor than traditional chocolate but still provide that classic rich and creamy texture.

Finally, vegan-friendly coconut butter chips offer a unique twist on the classic chocolate chip taste. They combine creamy coconut butter with cocoa powder to create an intensely flavorful treat.

No matter what your preference is, there’s sure to be something here that’ll satisfy your cravings!

Nutritional Benefits of Cacao Chips

Enjoying these delicious treats can bring a wealth of health benefits, so indulge guilt-free! Cacao chips are packed with antioxidants, which fight free radicals in the body and help to reduce inflammation. They are also high in fiber and magnesium, both of which promote heart health and digestive regularity. Additionally, cacao chips contain small amounts of iron and zinc that help boost the immune system.

Theobromine is another key component found in cacao chips which has been shown to improve cognitive function as well as reduce stress levels. This chemical helps to increase blood circulation throughout the body while also stimulating the production of serotonin, a hormone linked to feelings of wellbeing and relaxation.

Furthermore, flavonoids present in cacao chips have been associated with improved insulin sensitivity that may be beneficial for those at risk for diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Cacao chips provide an excellent source of essential vitamins such as B6 and E which have antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. These vitamins are especially important for healthy skin and eyesight since they can help fight off age-related degenerative diseases like macular degeneration or cataracts.

Eating these tasty morsels regularly can help you stay fit, healthy, and energized!

How to Incorporate Cacao Chips Into Your Diet

Discover the delicious and nutritious benefits of incorporating cacao chips into your diet! With their sweet, chocolaty taste and crunchy texture, cacao chips are a great way to add something special to your favorite dishes.

Here are several ways you can incorporate them into your diet:

  • Sprinkle some over your bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Add them to salads for extra crunch and flavor.
  • Mix them in with cookie or brownie batter before baking.
  • Create a chocolate bark by melting chocolate and adding in chopped up cacao chips.

Cacao chips are not only full of flavor, but they also provide several health benefits as well.

Cacao is packed with antioxidants which help reduce inflammation throughout the body and improve brain function. The flavonoids in cacao powder can help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, and reduce inflammation (webmd).

It’s also rich in magnesium which helps regulate blood pressure levels, relaxes muscles, and boosts energy levels. Plus, it contains compounds that promote healthy skin cells and may even decrease the risk of certain cancers such as breast cancer.

Making cacao chips part of your regular diet can be an easy way to get all these amazing health benefits without sacrificing any flavor or enjoyment!

While you’ll likely want to limit added sugar from other sources like syrups or jams when using them in recipes, there’s no need to worry about enjoying some cacao chips on their own; they’re naturally low in sugar but still provide that indulgent chocolaty flavor we all love!

Tips for Buying and Storing Cacao Chips

When it comes to purchasing and storing cacao chips, make sure you’re getting the best quality available. For example, if you’re looking for a special treat for your next dinner party, opt for organic, fair-trade dark chocolate chips that are made with low sugar content. This will ensure that your guests get the highest quality product that is ethically sourced.

When shopping for cacao chips, always check the label to ensure that the ingredients are natural and free of additives or preservatives. Also, keep in mind that some brands may use added sugars or oils to extend shelf life and add flavor.

Once you have purchased your cacao chips, store them properly to maintain their flavor and texture. To do this, place them in an airtight container in a cool dry space away from direct sunlight. If you plan on using your cacao chips within a few days of purchase, there’s no need to refrigerate them; however, if they won’t be used until later on, it’s best to put them in the refrigerator so they can last longer.

It’s important to remember not to over-indulge on these delicious treats as too much chocolate can lead to health problems like obesity or diabetes down the line. Enjoying small amounts of dark chocolate is beneficial as it contains vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and iron which can help boost energy levels and improve moods – just make sure not to eat too much!


You’ve just discovered the nutritional powerhouse that is cacao chips! Not only are they delicious and versatile, but they can make a great addition to your diet. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give them a try – it’s like taking a bite of chocolatey heaven!

Plus, with these tips for buying and storing, you can be sure to enjoy your cacao chips in all their crunchy glory. Now go out there and get those superfoods into your daily routine. They’ll have you feeling as energized as a hummingbird on steroids!

Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs, 8 oz. Bag, 76 Servings — Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade, Gluten-Free

Great for Keto and Paleo Diets

Enjoy their deep, unsweetened chocolate taste and natural crunch in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, trail mix and your favorite baked goods.

  • 100% unroasted, gently crushed cacao beans
  • USDA organic
  • Fairtrade certified
  • Non-GMO, Kosher, vegan, gluten-free

The post Cacao Chips appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Cacao Fruit Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:14:20 +0000 The cacao fruit is like a hidden treasure, tucked away in the lush jungles of Central and South America. It’s ruby-red pods contain tiny brown seeds that have been delighting taste buds around the world for centuries – the source of our beloved chocolate! With its unique flavor profile, nutritional value, and purported health benefits, […]

The post Cacao Fruit appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

The cacao fruit is like a hidden treasure, tucked away in the lush jungles of Central and South America. It’s ruby-red pods contain tiny brown seeds that have been delighting taste buds around the world for centuries – the source of our beloved chocolate! With its unique flavor profile, nutritional value, and purported health benefits, it’s no wonder that this special fruit has become so popular across cultures worldwide.

From ancient civilizations to modern-day chocoholics alike, one thing remains clear: cacao has made its mark on history as a symbol of joy and celebration. Its sweet yet complex flavor can be found in rich desserts or simple snacks, while its antioxidant properties provide an added benefit to those seeking healthier options. But what else do we know about this magical fruit?

This article seeks to answer some common questions about cacao: where does it come from? What are its natural components? And how can we use it in our everyday lives? So if you’re ready to explore the wonders of cacao – buckle up! We’re going on a delicious journey through time…

Is Cacao A Fruit

Cacao is best known for its role in the production of chocolate, but it’s also a fruit with many other uses. It has been around for centuries, and can be found growing in tropical climates all over the world. So, is cacao a fruit? The answer is yes!

The actual cacao fruit grows on trees that are native to Central and South American countries like Ecuador and Peru. The outside of the fruit looks like a large yellow or orange pod which contains several individual seeds inside. These little beans are then used to make cocoa powder, butter, syrup, and other products that contain chocolate flavoring.

Because of its unique flavor profile – sweet yet slightly bitter – as well as its nutritional benefits including high levels of magnesium and antioxidants, cacao has become an increasingly popular ingredient in recipes such as smoothies and desserts. With so much to offer, it’s no surprise why people have come to appreciate this versatile fruit throughout history.

How To Eat Cacao Fruit

Cacao fruit is truly a delicious treat! Did you know that over 70 percent of cacao beans used to make chocolate and other cocoa-based products come from the cacao tree? Now, let’s learn how to enjoy this amazing fruit.

The first way to consume cacao fruits is by eating them raw. To do so, start by peeling off the thick outer layer with your hands or a knife. Then, scoop out the sweet pulp inside with a spoon and enjoy it as is! You can also add some honey for extra sweetness.

If you like cooking with fruity flavors, use ripe cacao pods in recipes such as smoothies and cakes for an exotic touch. For example, you could blend frozen chunks of peeled pods with bananas and yogurt for a healthy morning smoothie! If baking something more indulgent, try adding pieces of chopped-up pod into cookie dough or brownie batter before popping them in the oven.

No matter which way you choose to eat it, one thing is certain – consuming cacao will definitely be an enjoyable experience!

Cacao Fruit Benefits

Cacao fruit is incredibly nutritious. They contain a wealth of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our bodies need for optimal health. Here are some of the amazing benefits of this superfood:


  • Vitamins A, B1, C, E and K
  • Minerals including iron, magnesium and zinc
  • Polyphenols like catechins and anthocyanin

Health Benefits

  • Improved cognitive function
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Promotes weight loss due to its high fiber content


  • Can be eaten raw or used in smoothies
  • Create desserts such as cakes or ice cream
  • Add into savory dishes like salads or stir-fries

This nutrient-dense superfruit can help to improve overall health. It has many uses in both sweet and savory recipes which makes it even more versatile. Plus, cacao fruits are available year-round so you can enjoy them anytime!

cacao fruits food

Cacao Fruit Juice

Cacao fruit juice is a unique and delicious beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries. It’s made from the pulp of ripe, dark-colored cacao fruits, which are native to Central and South America. The juice itself is sweet and creamy with hints of chocolate flavor. This makes it a great choice as an after dinner drink or dessert accompaniment.

Cacao fruit juice can be prepared in several ways, using either raw or cooked ingredients. Some recipes call for boiling the fruits whole while others suggest mashing them into a paste before adding other ingredients like honey or spices. Regardless of how you prepare it, this healthy beverage offers numerous health benefits due to its high levels of antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E and K.

Not only is cacao fruit juice good for your body but also enjoyable to have on hand when entertaining guests. Serve it cold over ice or warm up during winter months as part of an indulgent hot cocoa recipe – either way, you’re sure to satisfy everyone’s taste buds!

Cacao Fruit Pulp

Moving on from the juice, let’s look at cacao fruit pulp. It contains less sugar than the juice but is still quite sweet and has a unique flavor profile all its own. The texture of the pulp can vary depending on how it’s prepared; some people prefer to mash it into a paste while others enjoy eating it in chunks or slices.

The health benefits associated with consuming cacao fruit pulp are numerous.

  • It is high in antioxidants, which help fight inflammation and protect against disease-causing free radicals.
  • It is packed with vitamins and minerals like magnesium, iron, vitamin C, and zinc that support a healthy immune system.

Furthermore, research suggests that regular consumption of this superfood may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

It’s possible to use cacao fruit pulp eaten raw or added to smoothies, desserts, salads, and other dishes for an extra boost of nutrition. Its creamy consistency makes for a wonderful addition to ice cream or yogurt as well! So why not give this nutrient powerhouse a try today? Your body will thank you for it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Cacao And Cocoa?

When discussing cacao and cocoa, it’s important to understand the difference between them. Cacao beans are raw, dried seeds from a pod of the Theobroma cacao tree native to Central America and South America. Cocoa is derived from these same beans but usually undergoes processing that includes roasting and grinding in order to create a powder that can be used for baking or making hot chocolate drinks.

The main differences between cacao and cocoa include:

  • Taste: Raw cacao has a more bitter taste than roasted, processed cocoa.
  • Texture: Unprocessed cacao is much coarser than cocoa powder.
  • Nutrients: Both contain essential minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc and copper; however, unprocessed cacao contains higher concentrations of antioxidants due to its lack of added ingredients compared to processed cocoa.

Raw cacao products are also vegan-friendly since they don’t have any animal byproducts or preservatives commonly found in cocoa powder such as butterfat or milk solids. Additionally, many people believe that consuming raw cacao helps improve their mood due to its naturally high levels of tryptophan – an amino acid linked with increased serotonin production (often referred to as ‘the happy chemical’).

In summary, there are several key distinctions between uncooked/unprocessed cacao vs cooked/processed cocoa including taste, texture and nutritional value. Furthermore, those looking for a plant-based source of natural energy may find that raw cacao provides just what they need!

Is Cacao Fruit Available In Grocery Stores?

Many people may not be aware that cacao fruit is available in grocery stores. In fact, this tropical superfood can often be found on store shelves or online. But what are the benefits of buying and consuming this type of fruit?

Cacao comes from the same source as cocoa powder: the cacao bean, which grows inside a pod-like fruit. This exotic delicacy contains nutrients like magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin C, and antioxidants that help to boost your overall health. It also has a sweet yet slightly bitter flavor due to its natural sugars and high levels of flavonoids – making it an excellent addition to smoothies or desserts. Plus, unlike many other fruits, cacao doesn’t require large amounts of added sugar for sweetness.

In addition to being incredibly nutritious, cacao is very versatile in terms of nutrition benefits; it can be eaten raw or cooked into recipes like brownies and cookies without losing much nutritional value. Whether you’re looking for something healthy to snack on or need some inspiration for a dessert recipe – look no further than cacao fruit! With so many potential uses and great taste, it’s easy to see why this unique product is becoming increasingly popular with shoppers around the world.

Overall, if you’re looking for an interesting way to get more vitamins and minerals into your diet while adding something special to your favorite treats – then consider trying out cacao fruit today!

Is Cacao Fruit Native to A Particular Region?

Cacao fruit is a staple of many cultures, with its sweet and bitter flavor, but have you ever wondered where it comes from? Is cacao native to any particular region or has it spread across the world? To answer this question we must explore the origins of the beloved cacao fruit.

Originating in Central America thousands of years ago, cacao was once believed to be a divine gift given by Mayan gods. The Mayans used it for various purposes such as currency and even religious ceremonies. They loved it so much that they would often grind up the beans into a paste and they added water to create an early form of hot chocolate! From there, the popularity of cacao grew exponentially throughout South America, eventually making its way to Europe during the Age of Exploration when Christopher Columbus brought back his own samples from Hispaniola.

Since then, global demand for cacao has skyrocketed; farmers now cultivate crops all over the tropics including Africa, Asia, and Oceania – anywhere there’s enough moisture and warm temperatures for them to thrive. While some countries are responsible for producing more than others (e.g., Ivory Coast produces about 40% of the world’s supply), overall it is safe to say that cacoa fruit can be found growing in many regions around the globe.

Today, no matter what part of the world you visit you will most likely find something made with or containing cacao – whether it’s traditional hot chocolate in Mexico or decadent truffles at upscale patisseries in Paris! As we continue on our journey through time and space, one thing remains certain: wherever you go, someone will always appreciate everything good that comes from this amazing little bean.

Is Cacao Fruit Sustainable?

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. In order to ensure that resources are used responsibly and future generations can benefit from them, it’s necessary to consider not only the present-day impacts of our actions but also the long-term consequences for both people and planet. This brings us to the question: Is cacao fruit sustainable?

The answer will depend on a number of factors including where the cacao fruit comes from, and how it’s grown, harvested, processed, and transported. The key elements of sustainability include maintaining or improving soil fertility, reducing water usage, controlling pests without using chemicals, preserving biodiversity and ensuring workers receive fair wages. If these conditions are met then cacao production can be considered sustainable.

Organic farming practices play an important role in producing sustainable cacao fruits since they minimize environmental damage while promoting ecological balance. For example, organic farmers often use natural pest control methods such as companion planting rather than applying synthetic pesticides which can have adverse effects on wildlife and human health. Additionally, organic farms provide habitats for native species allowing them to thrive alongside crops; this helps create more resilient ecosystems with higher levels of biological diversity than conventional farming systems.

By taking into account all aspects of production – from land management to labor standards – it’s possible to support smallholder farmers who grow cacao sustainably without compromising their livelihoods or contributing to further deforestation or degradation of the environment. By doing so we can make sure that current generations do not deplete resources at the expense of future ones.

What Is The Shelf Life Of Cacao Fruit?

When it comes to the shelf life of food, many people want to know just how long they can keep a particular item before it expires or becomes unsafe. This is certainly true when looking into how long cacao fruit will last. While some may think that this type of fruit has an extremely short lifespan, in reality, there are numerous factors at play that need to be taken into account before making any assumptions about its shelf life.

It’s easy for skeptics to assume that since cacao fruit is naturally occurring and highly perishable, it must have a very limited shelf life. However, with proper storage methods such as keeping them refrigerated and consuming them promptly after harvesting, they can easily remain fresh for weeks or even months on end. Furthermore, depending on where the cacao fruits were grown, their individual qualities could lead to either longer or shorter periods of time between harvesting and consumption.

All these facts suggest that although cacao fruits don’t have an indefinite shelf life like other dried goods might possess, their lifespans can still be extended significantly if handled properly. As long as the necessary precautions are taken during harvest and transport while also maintaining optimal storage conditions throughout the entire process, then you should have no problem enjoying your freshly-harvested cacao treats for several weeks without worry!


Cacao fruit is an exciting and delicious alternative to cocoa. It can be found in many grocery stores across the country, though it’s natively grown in Central and South American regions. Its sustainability makes it a great choice for those looking to purchase their chocolate responsibly. With a shelf life of up to four weeks when stored properly, you have plenty of time to enjoy this unique treat!

So why not give it a try? Whether you’re looking for something different or just want to make sure your sweet tooth cravings are sourced responsibly, cacao fruit is worth considering. Plus, with its rich flavor and natural sweetness, what could be better than that?

Ultimately, the decision lies with you. But one thing’s for certain: isn’t exploring new things part of what makes life so enjoyable?

The post Cacao Fruit appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Cacao Butter Thu, 20 Apr 2023 21:39:44 +0000 Everything You Need to Know About Cacao Butter Have you ever heard of cacao butter? It’s the latest ‘it’ ingredient that’s taking the beauty world by storm. From its health benefits to its wide range of uses, it’s easy to see why so many people are turning to cacao butter as a part of their […]

The post Cacao Butter appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Everything You Need to Know About Cacao Butter

Have you ever heard of cacao butter? It’s the latest ‘it’ ingredient that’s taking the beauty world by storm. From its health benefits to its wide range of uses, it’s easy to see why so many people are turning to cacao butter as a part of their daily skincare routines. But what is cacao butter and how can it benefit you? Read on to discover all the amazing things that this wonder ingredient can do for you, your skin, and your overall health.

cacao butterCacao butter is derived from cocoa beans, which come from the Theobroma cacao tree native to South America and Mexico. The benefits of cocoa butter are many.

It has a rich, creamy texture and has been used for centuries as a natural source of nourishment both inside and outside the body. Cacao butter is full of vitamins A, C, E, and K, minerals like magnesium and potassium, as well as essential fatty acids. This makes it incredibly beneficial for both skin health and overall wellness.

Not only is cacao butter packed with nutrients but it also has some unique properties that make it great for use in skincare products. It’s an excellent moisturizer that helps keep skin hydrated without clogging pores or leaving an oily residue. Cacao butter also contains powerful antioxidants which help protect against free radical damage and keep skin looking youthful.

So if you’re looking for something natural yet effective to add to your daily routine, look no further than this miracle ingredient!

Definition Of Cacao Butter

Cacao butter is a type of edible fat extracted from the cacao bean. It has a pale yellow color and a smooth, creamy texture. Cacao butter is also known as cocoa butter. It has been used in cooking and baking for centuries because of its unique taste and aroma.

Cacao butter is made from cocoa beans by grinding the beans. The beans are cold-pressed to extract their natural oils, which are then combined with other ingredients to create the final product. This process preserves the bean’s natural flavor and aroma, making it an excellent addition to recipes like chocolate desserts or ice cream. Additionally, cacao butter contains a high amount of antioxidants that can help protect against damage caused by free radicals in the body.

Cacao butter has many benefits beyond its flavor and aroma. It can be used as an emollient in skincare products, helping to keep skin soft and moisturized while providing protection from environmental elements like sun exposure or windburn. It is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for treating skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

Overall, cacao butter is a versatile ingredient that can enhance both sweet and savory dishes as well as provide numerous health benefits when used topically on the skin.

Nutritional Overview

Cacao butter is a nutrient-rich food that offers numerous health benefits. It is a good source of vitamin E and healthy fats, including omega-6 fatty acids. Additionally, it contains several other minerals and nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium.

It is high in healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which have been associated with improved cholesterol levels and heart health. Cacao butter also contains significant amounts of antioxidants which can help reduce inflammation in the body. These antioxidants may also help protect against certain types of cancer and other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The flavonoids in cacao butter may also boost cognitive performance by increasing blood flow to the brain as well as decreasing oxidative stress. Cacao butter has also been researched for its potential anti-aging effects due to its antioxidant content. All these health benefits make cacao butter an excellent addition to a balanced diet.

Uses In Cooking And Baking

Moving on from the nutritional overview of cacao butter, let’s take a look at how it is used in cooking and baking. Cacao butter is often used as an alternative to regular butter in many recipes. It has a mild flavor that makes it ideal for use in cookies, cakes, pies, and other baked goods. It can also be melted down and incorporated into sauces and dressings.

Cacao butter may also be blended with other ingredients to make tasty treats such as chocolate-covered fruit or truffles. It can even be used in place of regular butter when making popcorn or adding a creamy texture to smoothies and shakes. The possibilities are endless!

Cacao butter is a versatile ingredient that can add richness, depth, and flavor to any dish. From sweet desserts to savory dishes, there are countless ways to incorporate this unique ingredient into your meals. Whether you’re looking for something new to try or just want to add some extra nutrition to your favorite recipes, adding cacao butter is sure to make them even more delicious!

Benefits of Cacao Butter for Skin Care

Cacao butter has been used for centuries as a natural skin care product due to its wide range of benefits. It is especially beneficial for dry, itchy or irritated skin. The fatty acids and antioxidants in cacao butter help to nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth. Its moisturizing properties also help to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Cacao butter can also be used as a natural sunscreen. The antioxidants present in it protect against sun damage and environmental pollutants. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties can provide relief from inflammation caused by eczema, psoriasis, or rashes. It can also be applied topically to reduce the appearance of scarring and stretch marks.

The benefits of cacao butter go beyond use on the skin; it is often included in hair care products due to its nourishing qualities. It helps to detangle knots, reduce frizziness, and add shine to hair while protecting against heat damage from styling tools such as curling irons or blow dryers. In addition, it can be added to homemade lip balms or body butters for extra hydration and protection from cold weather conditions such as windburn or frostbite.

Overall, cacao butter is an effective natural remedy for skin care that offers numerous benefits without any harsh chemicals or irritants. Its versatility also makes it suitable for use in a variety of beauty products for both hair and skin care needs.

Purchasing And Storage Guidelines

When purchasing cacao butter, it is important to choose a product that has been processed as minimally as possible. Generally, the least processed products are the most beneficial for skin care. Look for organic and unrefined options whenever possible. Additionally, be sure to read labels carefully and avoid products that contain any form of artificial ingredients or preservatives.

It is also important to handle the butter correctly. Cacao butter melts easily and should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It can also be stored in the refrigerator, but this may cause it to harden and become difficult to use. It is solid at room temperature. If this happens, simply heat it until it softens before using it on your skin or hair.

When using cacao butter topically, it’s best to apply a small amount at first until you figure out how much works best for your individual needs. Too much can leave your skin feeling greasy and uncomfortable. Start off small and adjust the amount as needed for maximum results.

Substitutes For Cacao Butter

If you’re looking for a substitute for cacao butter, there are several options available. Coconut oil is a great alternative as it’s easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Its flavor is much more subtle than cacao butter, so it can be used in recipes that don’t require a strong chocolatey flavor. It also has a high melting point, making it suitable for use in baked goods like cakes and cookies.

Shea butter is another good option for replacing cacao butter. It’s made from the nut of the African shea tree and has an earthy, nutty taste. Shea butter is rich in fatty acids and vitamins A and E, which makes it good for your skin too! It melts at a lower temperature than coconut oil or cacao butter, so it’s best used in no-bake recipes like fudge or truffles.

Vegetable oils such as canola or sunflower oil are also suitable substitutes for cacao butter. They have neutral flavors so they won’t alter the taste of your recipe too much. These oils have low melting points, so they’re best used in no-bake recipes where you don’t need the chocolate flavor that cacao butter would provide.

No matter which substitute you choose, make sure to use one with a melting point that matches your recipe requirements; this will ensure that your end product tastes as delicious as possible!

Recipes With Cacao Butter

Now that alternative ingredients have been explored, let’s take a look at some recipes that use cacao butter. Cacao butter adds a rich, creamy texture to all kinds of treats. It can be used in baking, smoothies, sauces, ice creams, and more.

One of the most popular recipes with cacao butter is a delicious chocolate bar. To make it:

  • Melt the cacao butter in a double boiler and add cocoa powder and sugar to taste.
  • Stir until the mixture is combined and pour into a parchment-lined dish.
  • Refrigerate until hard before cutting into bars.

Another tasty recipe is vegan fudge brownies which are made with only five simple ingredients: almond flour, coconut oil, maple syrup, cacao powder, and cacao butter. Combine these ingredients in a bowl until you get a thick batter and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown on top.

These recipes are just a few examples of how cacao butter can be used to make decadent desserts. Whether you’re making truffles or healthy energy bites, it’s sure to add an indulgent flavor to your goodies! With its unique taste and texture, cacao butter is an ideal ingredient for any type of dessert you can think of!

cacao butter for cooking

Potential Side Effects

Cacao butter can have potential side effects, so it’s important to be aware of them before consuming. It can cause digestive issues such as stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea. In some cases, it may also lead to an allergic reaction with symptoms like hives or difficulty breathing. People who are sensitive to caffeine should also take note of the fact that cacao butter contains a small amount of caffeine.

In addition, using too much cacao butter may lead to weight gain as it is high in fat and calories. It should be used in moderation and not be relied on as a daily source of dietary fat. Furthermore, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should speak with their doctor before consuming cacao butter as it could potentially interfere with the baby’s health or development.

As with any food product, it’s best to consult a doctor before use if there are any concerns about potential side effects. That way, individuals can make sure they’re taking the right precautions and staying safe while enjoying the many benefits of cacao butter.

Alternatives To Cacao Butter

If you’re looking for an alternative to cacao butter, there are plenty of food grade options available. Coconut oil and cocoa butter are two popular substitutes that can provide a similar texture and flavor. Coconut oil is made from the meat of the coconut, while cocoa butter is made from the fatty portion of ground cocoa beans. Both of these ingredients have a mild flavor that won’t overpower recipes.

Avocado oil is another option for replacing cacao butter in recipes. It has a subtle, nutty flavor and provides a light texture to recipes. This oil is especially good for baking as it helps create tender baked goods with a rich taste. It also has high levels of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, making it beneficial for your health.

Ghee is an excellent substitute as well if you’re looking for something dairy-based. Ghee is clarified butter that has been simmered and then strained to remove all the milk solids, resulting in a creamy product with a slightly nutty flavor. Not only does it make a great replacement for cacao butter in baking, but it’s also full of vitamins A, D, and E which are important for overall health.

Whichever alternative you choose to use, know that you’ll still get all the benefits of using cacao butter without having to sacrifice taste or texture!

Summary Of Benefits

Having explored some alternatives to cacao butter, let’s now look at the benefits it offers. Cacao butter is a natural emollient that helps to keep skin and lips soft and supple. This health food can soothe dry, irritated skin and help to heal minor cuts and abrasions. It’s also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Cacao butter is also packed with essential fatty acids that aid in the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the skin. These fatty acids are important for maintaining healthy skin cells and helping reduce inflammation. Additionally, cacao butter has anti-aging properties due to its high content of vitamin E, which helps protect against wrinkles and fine lines.

Finally, cacao butter has been used for centuries for its ability to keep skin moisturized without feeling greasy or oily. And since it melts at body temperature, it’s easy to apply and absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving behind a greasy residue or clogging pores. All in all, cacao butter offers an impressive array of benefits for keeping your skin healthy and looking beautiful.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Cacao Butter And Cocoa Butter?

This is an important question to consider since both of these ingredients have a significant presence in the world of cooking and baking. They are used to create a variety of different dishes, from desserts to main courses, so understanding their differences can be very helpful for any chef. In this article, we will discuss the key differences between cacao butter and cocoa butter to help you make informed decisions when choosing which ingredient to use in your next recipe.

Cacao butter is made from the seeds of the tropical evergreen tree known as Theobroma Cacao. It has a light yellow color and a creamy consistency. It has a nutty flavor with hints of chocolate and caramel. Its texture makes it ideal for baking purposes such as coating cakes or forming chocolates. It also contains high levels of fatty acids, vitamins E and K, as well as antioxidants which make it a healthier alternative than other fats that are typically found in traditional recipes.

On the other hand, cocoa butter is derived from cocoa beans also known as Theobroma Cacao but it goes through an additional process that includes roasting, grinding and pressing methods before being transformed into cocoa powder. Unlike cacao butter, cocoa powder does not contain any fat-soluble vitamins or minerals; however, it does have slightly higher levels of caffeine than its counterpart. Additionally, due to its higher content of saturated fatty acids, cocoa butter has a richer taste and texture than cacao butter making it more suitable for making chocolate-based products like truffles or brownies.

Considering all these factors when deciding between cacao butter and cocoa powder can be useful when creating recipes depending on desired taste or texture preferences. For example, if you wish to create a product that requires melting without burning then using cacao butter would be recommended whereas if you want something with intense flavor then using cocoa powder would be the best choice. Ultimately what matters most is individual preference so considering these two ingredients carefully can lead to delicious results!

Is Cacao Butter Suitable For Vegans?

Is cacao butter suitable for vegans? This is an important question for those who follow a plant-based diet as it affects their ability to enjoy certain foods. Cacao butter is derived from the cacao bean, while cocoa butter is derived from the cocoa bean. So, what are the differences between these two ingredients and can vegans safely consume them?

The most noticeable difference between cacao butter and cocoa butter is in their flavors and aromas. Cacao butter has a milder flavor and aroma than cocoa butter which has more of a chocolatey taste and smell. Cacao butter is also lighter in color than cocoa butter, which tends to be darker in hue. Nutritionally speaking, both ingredients offer similar benefits including high levels of healthy fats and antioxidants.

When considering whether or not cacao butter is vegan-friendly, the answer largely depends on how it was sourced and processed. If the beans were harvested sustainably with no animal products used in production, then it can be deemed vegan-friendly. However, if any animal byproducts were used during production such as milk solids or whey proteins then it would not be suitable for consumption by those following a strict vegan diet plan.

It is therefore important to read labels carefully when selecting food items containing either cacao or cocoa butter – especially when trying to determine if they are vegan-friendly. It may also be necessary to contact manufacturers directly to ask about their sourcing practices before consuming any product containing these ingredients.

Is There A Difference In Flavor Between Cacao Butter And Other Types Of Butter?

Cocoa butter is a popular ingredient used in many recipes, from chocolate to body care products. But how does it compare to other types of butter when it comes to flavor? To answer this question, we must examine the differences between cocoa butter and other types of butter.

In terms of ingredients, cocoa butter is made by cold-pressing the fat found in cocoa beans. This process preserves the flavonoids and other compounds that make up the unique aroma and taste of cocoa. On the other hand, traditional dairy-based butters are made from cream or milk. They also contain lactic acid bacteria which contributes to their flavor.

When it comes to taste and aroma, there are some definite differences between cocoa butter and other types of butter. When compared side by side, cocoa butter has a much more intense flavor than regular butter due to its high concentration of flavonoids and natural compounds. It also has a distinctive nutty aroma that sets it apart from other butters. Additionally, unlike regular butters which tend to be overly rich, cocoa butter is actually quite light on the palate with a smooth texture.

So when looking for a unique flavor for your recipes or products, consider using cocoa butter instead of regular dairy-based butters as it will give you an entirely different experience in terms of taste and aroma. Cocoa butter can also be used as an alternative for people who may not be able to consume dairy-based products due to allergies or dietary restrictions – making it a great option for vegans too!

Is It Safe To Use Cacao Butter On My Face?

Is it safe to use something on your face? This is a question that many people have when looking for a skincare product. Whether it be a cream, lotion, or butter, the safety of the ingredients must be considered before applying it to your face. So is it safe to use cacao butter on your face?

The short answer is yes. Cacao butter is derived from cocoa beans, which contain fatty acids and antioxidants that can help nourish and protect facial skin. It has also been known to provide anti-inflammatory benefits and reduce signs of aging. Furthermore, using cacao butter as part of a regular skincare routine may help improve moisture levels in the skin and keep it looking healthy.

However, like any other skincare product, there are potential drawbacks to using cacao butter on the face. For example, some people may experience irritation or breakouts due to allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients in cacao butter. Additionally, it’s important to make sure you are using the right type of cacao butter for your specific skin type; some products may be too heavy or greasy for certain skin types, while others may not provide enough hydration.

When considering whether or not to use cacao butter on your face, it’s important to do research into possible benefits as well as potential drawbacks. Doing so can help ensure that you make an informed decision about which skincare product is right for you and your needs.

Does Cacao Butter Need To Be Refrigerated?

When considering food-based products, it’s important to keep in mind the best ways to store them. Cacao butter is just one of these items, and many people are wondering if they need to refrigerate it or not. It’s an understandable question, as some food items require refrigeration while others do not. So what is the answer when it comes to cacao butter?

The short answer is that cacao butter does not necessarily need to be refrigerated. However, there are still a few things to consider when deciding how best to store it. For instance, if the cacao butter has been exposed to temperatures above 76 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius), then it should be kept in a refrigerator at all times. Additionally, even if the temperature has not exceeded this threshold, keeping the butter in a cool and dry place can help extend its shelf life.

In terms of safety and health benefits however, cacao butter does not necessarily need to be stored in a refrigerator – unless the product contains other ingredients such as essential oils or additives that may require cold storage for optimal freshness and potency. All in all, it’s important for consumers to pay attention to the instructions given on their particular product’s packaging and be aware of any specific storage requirements for maximum effectiveness and safety of use.


Cacao butter is a great alternative to other types of butter. It’s perfect for vegans and free of animal products, which makes it a popular choice. The flavor is also different than other types of butter, making it a nice addition to recipes. Plus, when used on the face, it can help with skin issues like dryness. Finally, while cacao butter doesn’t need to be refrigerated, you should store it in a cool area if you’re not using it right away. All in all, cacao butter is an excellent choice for anyone looking for something unique and healthy to add to their diet or beauty routine.

I personally love using cacao butter in my baking because the flavor is so unique. I also use it as a moisturizer on my face and hands when my skin gets dry in the winter months. It’s definitely one of my go-to products that I always have in my pantry!

If you’re looking for something new to try out, give cacao butter a chance – you won’t regret it! With its unique flavor and health benefits, there are plenty of reasons why this product has become so popular over the years. Give it a try and see what you think – you may just find your new favorite ingredient!

The post Cacao Butter appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Guilt Free Chocolate Thu, 21 Apr 2022 20:07:37 +0000 What if we told you that you could enjoy indulgent guilt free chocolate every day? Not only that but this magical chocolate we’re referring to is combined with potent superfood ingredients. This blend offers a laundry list of benefits. It helps enhance and support your overall health and wellbeing. It activates the ‘bliss’ molecule, helping […]

The post Guilt Free Chocolate appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

What if we told you that you could enjoy indulgent guilt free chocolate every day?

Not only that but this magical chocolate we’re referring to is combined with potent superfood ingredients.

This blend offers a laundry list of benefits.

  • It helps enhance and support your overall health and wellbeing.
  • It activates the ‘bliss’ molecule, helping you feel happier and enjoy deeper connections with loved ones.
  • And, you can enjoy all the perks for less than the price of your daily drive-through coffee.

Do you love brownies, cookies, cupcakes, etc. but not the calorie count and unhealthy ingredients that come with them? If so, you’re going to love baking guilt free chocolate goodies with this!

Cacao Bliss is the answer you didn’t even know you were looking for!

It’s made from sun-kissed Peruvian cacao beans, combined with tasty superfoods like turmeric, cinnamon, and MCT oil, and sweetened with natural monk fruit. No added sugars, preservatives, or additives here. Click here to try it for yourself!

After all, you deserve a little more Bliss in your day! When you feel good, you do good!

Learn more about Cacao Bliss from danette may

danette may cacao bliss guilt free chocolate




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The post Guilt Free Chocolate appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Secret “Liquid Chocolate” Fri, 08 Apr 2022 16:13:42 +0000 Stops Cravings, Helps Blood Pressure and Improves Sleep Want to know a little “secret” for not snacking at night? It’s liquid chocolate! Liquid chocolate cacao is a new type of chocolate that is made by blending cacao beans with water and other liquids. This type of chocolate tastes smooth, creamy, and slightly sweet. It’s perfect […]

The post Secret “Liquid Chocolate” appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Stops Cravings, Helps Blood Pressure and Improves Sleep

Want to know a little “secret” for not snacking at night? It’s liquid chocolate!

Liquid chocolate cacao is a new type of chocolate that is made by blending cacao beans with water and other liquids. This type of chocolate tastes smooth, creamy, and slightly sweet. It’s perfect for those who want a chocolate that’s not as dense or heavy as traditional chocolate.

If you drink this rich, velvety chocolate every night, it almost instantly takes away your cravings for sweets. Plus it’s super healthy, so there’s no guilt at all.

In fact, it contains some of the most powerful superfoods known to man that not only increase your “feel good” hormones, but can lower blood pressure, control your appetite, feed good gut bacteria, and lots more!

  • It’s super unique, and like nothing you’ve ever tried before.
  • Use it 2-3x per day to get your “chocolate fix” with ZERO guilt.

Cacao Health Benefits

According to an article*, Cacao and Chocolate in Human Health and Disease, “The epicatechin content of cocoa is primarily responsible for its favorable impact on vascular endothelium via its effect on both acute and chronic upregulation of nitric oxide production. Other cardiovascular effects are mediated through anti-inflammatory effects of cocoa polyphenols, and modulated through the activity of NF-κB. Antioxidant effects of cocoa may directly influence insulin resistance and, in turn, reduce risk for diabetes.”

The article also adds, “Further, cocoa consumption may stimulate changes in redox-sensitive signaling pathways involved in gene expression and the immune response. Cocoa can protect nerves from injury and inflammation, protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation in topical preparations, and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood.”

* Citation: Katz DL, Doughty K, Ali A. Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2011;15(10):2779-2811. doi:10.1089/ars.2010.3697

Cacao Bliss liguid chocolate

Check out this new secret guilt-free liquid chocolate drink here (velvety smooth & delicious)

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Guilt Free Chocolate – 15 Times Healthier Than Kale Fri, 08 Apr 2022 15:11:29 +0000 Most of don’t need an excuse to eat chocolate. But “guilt free” chocolate? Even better!! We love it all! Anything chocolate!! That’s why I was so excited when I found out about the power of a unique type of Peruvian chocolate — a “magical chocolate“.  You see, most chocolate is grown over on the west […]

The post Guilt Free Chocolate – 15 Times Healthier Than Kale appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

Most of don’t need an excuse to eat chocolate. But “guilt free” chocolate? Even better!!

  • Chocolate cake
  • Chocolate ice cream
  • Chocolate milk shakes

We love it all! Anything chocolate!!

That’s why I was so excited when I found out about the power of a unique type of Peruvian chocolate — a “magical chocolate

You see, most chocolate is grown over on the west coast of Africa. But small batches of chocolate also come from the jungles of Peru. And the difference is incredible.

Peruvian cacao is not only sweet like regular milk chocolate…It’s also one of the healthiest and highest antioxidant foods on the planet.

guilt free chocolate cacao
Image courtest of Danette May’s Cacao Bliss website.

Healthy “Guilt Free” Chocolate

This delicious chocolatey gift has been the food of emperors for nearly 2,000 years. And the growing process was finally perfected during the late Incan empire. Which is what gives us this unique Peruvian chocolate that not only tastes delicious, but can also…

* Promote healthy blood sugar

* Reduce free-radicals & fight inflammation, thereby slowing down aging in the body

* Make you fall asleep faster and STAY asleep through the night

* Even help preventing brain aging

It’s no wonder people have been saying things like this.

“It has been a wonderful discovery and my body and mind have never been better. My aches and pains are minimal, my gut health has been amazing – gas and cramping is gone!” – Angela Kiesow

“This chocolate is so incredibly delicious, it really feels great to be eating something so healthy and satisfying. I’m losing weight, I feel great, and I have NO food cravings at all during the day!” – Dolores Adkins

 “It actually makes me smile every time I eat some, it’s that good! It also gives me energy without the jittery side effects of too much caffeine. I used to get a Starbucks Mocha almost every day, and this healthier drink has taken its place.” – Jennifer Wilson

 There is only ONE season a year that they grow this unique South American chocolate… So make sure you get some BEFORE the end of this year’s growing season.

Find out the details on this page:

Cacao healthy Peruvian chocolate

>> This unique Peruvian chocolate

is healthier than kale >>

(tastes incredible AND packs more inflammation-fighting antioxidants than any vegetables)

The post Guilt Free Chocolate – 15 Times Healthier Than Kale appeared first on Cacao Benefits.

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