Cacao is the “Magical Chocolate” – But Better than Sex?

Author: Jim, site editor



Cacao better than sex

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This “magical chocolate” might be better than sex … and it stops cravings!

Did you know there’s a rare form of chocolate that can literally shut down the mechanism in your brain that begs you to reach for your favorite snack? It’s true.

Recently on a trip to South America, “fitness guru” Danette May discovered a processing technique that turns raw cacao, (what chocolate is made from) into a highly nutritious SUPERFOOD!

At first, folks were skeptical of the claims Danette was making about her secret chocolate elixir.

  •  You can literally eat CHOCOLATE every single day, and get healthier while also banishing food cravings
  • You can replicate the same neurotransmitters released during/after sex with zero unhealthy side effects and enjoy an all-natural HIGH, almost like a deep meditation session (this one is my favorite)
  • You can also make yourself feel a little naughty because this rare chocolate elixir also contains a compound known as the “bliss molecule” which automatically arouses the part of your brain that makes you feel pleasure

That’s not even the best part — Danette’s new “miracle chocolate from the gods” formula has hit it out of the park in terms of taste.

Not only will the die-hard chocolate lover feel completely satisfied, but you’ll get to splurge on a daily treat that tastes just like a sugar-rich dessert!

The chocolate is truly rich and smooth — like pure heaven. You feel like you’re drinking something dangerous, yet it is so healthy.

Learn More About Cacao Bliss

Go here to try it yourself, guilt-free

danette may cacao bliss
Image courtesty of Danette May’s Cacao Bliss website.

Cacao and Health

According to the National Library of Medicine, “Cocoa is a dry, powdered, nonfat component product prepared from the seeds of the Theobroma cacao L. tree and is a common ingredient of many food products, particularly chocolate. Nutritionally, cocoa contains biologically active substances that may affect human health: flavonoids (epicatechin and oligomeric procyanidins), theobromine, and magnesium. Evidence further supports cocoa as a biologically active ingredient with potential benefits on biomarkers related to cardiovascular disease. “